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Inheritance law

Inheritance law

When a person dies, many issues arise regarding his / her belongings (real estate, money, deposits), while his / her relatives have to go through all the necessary legal procedures.

Therefore, the need for legal assistance and clarification of the distribution of assets and other property rights acquired by the deceased during his lifetime, among the heirs, inevitably arises.

The special provisions governing the relevant issues (inheritance, distribution of inheritance, deadlines, procedures for the acceptance or rejection of inheritance) are provided by the provisions of Greek Legislation. The Greek Civil Code enshrines two basic systems of succession, the succession by will and the succession by illness when the deceased had not taken care, while he was alive, to proceed with the drafting of a will. In addition to these two basic systems in Greek inheritance law, in the case of testamentary succession there are also the provisions of the so-called compulsory succession. These provisions necessarily apply in those cases where the deceased, who has drawn up a will, has not appointed as his heirs to a certain extent provided by law his close relatives. As has been consolidated by the Greek legal theory of Civil Law, Inheritance Law is characterized by two basic concepts, those of individual property and the protection of the family. Furthermore, since the original source of the inheritance right is the property of the deceased heir, one would expect this to be the basic thought that runs through the law of succession by law. Therefore, the basic concern of the legislator, given his fundamental assumption that every person has the right to transfer his property due to death, should be the respect of the will of the heir and in case of non-expression, the respect of his presumed will, the fact that which is satisfied to a large extent by the system of unallocated succession. So the first thing to do when someone dies is to determine their assets and find out if there is a will. If there is a will, the notary or whoever finds the will of the deceased, is obliged to immediately notify the court of the existence of a will and submit the original for publication to the Magistrates' Court of the area where the notary has his seat, so that whoever has an interest its content to access it. It is worth noting that if there is more than one will, they must all be published. If the deceased did not leave a will or his will is invalid for any reason or regulates only some of his assets, the deceased is considered dead and his inheritance is regulated by the provisions of the law, calling his legal heirs to six categories, which are called classes.

Our Law Firm through a team of experienced and specialized associates is able to handle a wide range of legal cases related to Inheritance Law, taking on:

Bequests Inheritance earnings Settlements of inheritance claims Inheritance differences Wills (special will, public will, secret will) Unallocated hereditary succession Acceptance and rejection of inheritance Hereditary unworthiness Litigation lawsuits Judicial liquidation of the inheritance Hereditary trust Bequests Donations cause death